Stave Off Aging Coffee Tea and Chocolate Plus Zinc

Stave Off Aging Coffee Tea and Chocolate Plus Zinc
Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

As we age, our bodies begin a slow process of break-down. The combination of zinc and tasty treats like chocolate, coffee, and tea can combat this break-down. Link here. Zinc activates hydroquinone in chocolate, coffee, and tea. Also, it’s a trace material found in the body for optimal immune function.

Aging and Superoxide

Simply, most things will not work as well with age. A brand new 2019 car will inevitably need more check-ups in 2026. It’s a natural process. Small healthy routines or diet changes can combat the natural decline in our bodies, like skin aging or muscle fatigue. Superoxide is a compound found in the body that causes this natural break down. Furthermore, superoxide plays a role in aging, inflammation, illness, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Zinc With Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate

Hydroquinone combined with zinc creates superoxide demutase enzyme (SOD). As a result, this compound protects the body from superoxide and oxidative stress. Therefore, SOD acts like an antioxidant found in many colorful fruits and vegetables. Researchers believe that coffee, teas, and chocolate could be enriched with small amounts of zinc in future products.

Sources of Zinc

Zinc is found in meats, shellfish, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Thus, if you eat a balanced diet, meeting the normal amount is definitely obtainable. I recommend decaffeinated coffee and tea after 12 PM. Drinks with caffeine, especially after 12 PM, can disrupt sleep. Also, I recommend a chocolate that is at least 75% dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has more healthy cocoa and less sugar.  Lastly, drinking alcohol will destroy any benefit of SOD. Sorry, folks.

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