Health Professionals Opinions About Chiropractic
There are over 200 different chiropractic techniques; all of which mostly focus on CGM (Conventional General Manipulation). The vast minority focus on SCA (Specific Corrective Adjustment) techniques which include Structural Chiropractic.
Many health professionals express their opinions about chiropractic. Some highly recommend chiropractic; some don’t recommend chiropractic.
Whether a health professional recommends chiropractic or not, it’s a generalized statement. Thus, positive or negative statements lack full knowledge of chiropractic techniques.
Many Opinions Over 200 Chiropractic Techniques
There are over 200 different chiropractic techniques; all of which mostly focus on CGM (Conventional General Manipulation). The vast minority focus on SCA (Specific Corrective Adjustment) techniques which include Structural Chiropractic.
Thus, saying, “Don’t go to a chiropractor.” suggests this individual has experienced all techniques. Their statement makes no sense.
Belief That All Chiropractors Are The Same
Most health professionals “believe” all chiropractors are the same. All patient care is synonymous with general “pop and crack” manipulation. That belief is similar to getting beef at a fast food restaurant vs a nice steak house. It’s not the same.
A Specific Corrective Adjustment has nothing in common with Conventional General Manipulation. Structural chiropractic uses gentle and specific adjustments based on an objective structural examination.
The nervous system is the body’s electric highway. Keep it free of obstructions.
Finding The Underlying Cause
Structural shifts exist. Unfortunately, not all healthcare professionals have current knowledge about innovations in health. Some believe that calories from an apple is the same as a bag of chips.
A structural shift is a physical obstruction that prevents proper operation of the nervous system. The nervous system is the body’s electrical highway. Thus, structural shifts can potentially wreak havoc on the internal structure of the human body.
Consequently, structural shifts are typically the underlying cause of arm pain, disc herniation, dizziness, headaches, and migraines.
Headaches can stem from structural shifts.
Conventional healthcare will prescribe a medication or refer to a therapist. Usually, both recommendations patch or band-aid the underlying cause. It’s not a solution.
Lastly, Core Chiropractic offers a complimentary consultation, followed by a complete, objective Structural Examination. Using the information we gather from the examination, we will create a customized plan of care that focuses on correcting your condition.
Dr. Garrett is the founder of Core Chiropractic in Birmingham, AL. While most health care is focused on temporary relief, the staff at Core Chiropractic focus on creating solutions to a wide spectrum of health conditions. Connect with Dr. Garrett at (205) 206-9341 or via online form.