Pink Noise Improves Sleep and Memory
Studies show pink noise (listen here) improves deep sleep and memory. As we age, especially during our 50s and 60s, deep sleep declines. Researchers believe reductions in deep sleep can contribute to dementia.
Noise Differences
Pink noise is different from white because each sound wave is equal in energy. Pink is similar to ocean tides and rainstorms. White noise, on the other hand, is a mixture of frequencies from low to high. White noise similar to an unused TV or radio station.
Deep Sleep and Memory
Multiple studies show a correlation between deep sleep and word recall. A German study shows longer periods of deep sleep equate to improvements in word recall. Study participants using pink noise recalled twenty-two words, whereas, the control groups recalled thirteen words. Additionally, participants with mild cognitive impairment see similar results between deep sleep and word recall.
Pink Noise: Where Can You Find ?
Many phone apps are available for sound stimulation. Sound machines are popular as well. Just make sure you are getting a sound machine with pink noise rather than white noise.
What Are Other Tips For A Good Nights Rest?
Try to reduce all light from electronics at night. Blue light from electronics will drop normal levels of the hormone melatonin. Naturally, the body will increase the levels the darker the day gets.
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