Structural Chiropractic and Dental Care for TMJ Dysfunction
Many dentists or orthodontists will refer patients to our office who are suffering from temporal-mandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Orthodontists will usually recommend a mouth guard to help with pain and maintain proper tooth structure. In addition to treatment by a dentist or orthodontist, Structural Correction could offer improvement or resolution.
Function and Where It’s Located
The temporal-mandibular joint, upper section of the neck, and base of the head (occiput) lie adjacent to each other. If the upper spinal segments and occiput shift from outside the normal range, TMJ pain can occur. Spinal shifts will cause dysfunction of joints and muscles. Correcting spinal shifts will relieve pressure off of those affected joints and muscles. Lastly, proper corrections will remove obstructions from nerves providing optimal communication to various areas of the body.
Spinal Shift Causing TMJ Pain
Correcting spinal shifts and removing obstructions from nerves is like removing a clog in plumbing. Water will flow freely once the obstruction is moved. If you have been suffering from TMJ pain, Structural Correction chiropractic could provide improvement or resolution.
For more information about Structural Chiropractic in Birmingham, Alabama, click here.
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